Webinar: Improving performance with 7-1-7 bottleneck analysis

Webinar held on October 24, 2024 focusing on conducting effective bottleneck analysis with 7-1-7 to improve outbreak detection, notification and early response.
Digital toolkit

Step-by-step guidance and tools to start putting 7-1-7 to work, in one place.
Virtual training series: using 7-1-7

Part 2 of a three-part virtual training series on the 7-1-7 target held in January and February 2024.
Virtual training series: 7-1-7 basics

Part 1 of a three-part virtual training series on the 7-1-7 target held in January and February 2024.
Plantilla de diapositivas de revisión de eventos de 7-1-7

Plantilla de PowerPoint que se puede utilizar para presentar datos 7-1-7 de un brote temprano a las partes interesadas.
Boite à outils pour le plaidoyer budgétaire en matière de préparation aux épidémies

Développé par la Global Health Advocacy Incubator avec le soutien de Resolve to Save Lives.
Budget Advocacy Toolkit for Epidemic Preparedness

Developed by the Global Health Advocacy Incubator with support from Resolve to Save Lives.
Liste des catégories de goulets d’étranglement

Catégories de goulets d’étranglement courants identifiées grâce à l’utilisation de la cible 7-1-7. Liste non exhaustive.
List of Bottleneck Categories

Common bottleneck categories identified through 7-1-7 use. Non exhaustive list.
Synthesis Report Template

Word template used to provide a high-level summary of 7-1-7 learning, review progress, and consolidate long-term actions.