
Use 7-1-7

The 7-1-7 target is based on the idea that every infectious disease outbreak presents an opportunity to learn from real-world experience and improve our health security systems performance.

Learn how the 7-1-7 target can be used in real time with Early Action Reviews or retrospectively to identify bottlenecks and enablers to timely detection, notification and early response, and implement corrective actions.


The 7-1-7 Alliance has developed interactive training packages available to its partners for use in an in-person, virtual or hybrid setting. The packages include a 7-1-7 orientation and technical training geared toward 7-1-7 implementers.

Training packages will be added to this page soon. Subscribe to stay up to date on training resources and upcoming training opportunities. 

Watch our 3-part introductory training series

Using 7-1-7 and Early Action Reviews
Adopting 7-1-7

Evidence and Research

Literature review

Review of timeliness for 296 outbreaks that occurred during 2017-2019

7-1-7 pilots
Six countries conducted successful pilots using the 7-1-7 metric to drive performance improvement
7-1-7 Alliance established


The Alliance was established to support countries to achieve the 7-1-7 target
Community of Practice


An initial 15 countries gathered for the global launch of the 7-1-7 Community of Practice
Operational research

The Alliance is issuing two iterative calls for proposals to conduct operational research

Evidence and Research

Literature review

Review of timeliness for 296 outbreaks that occurred during 2017-2019

7-1-7 pilots

Six countries conducted successful pilots using the 7-1-7 metric to drive performance improvement

7-1-7 Alliance established

February - The Alliance was established as a country-led initiative providing technical assistance and financial support to support all countries to achieve the 7-1-7 target

Community of Practice

October - An initial 15 countries gathered for the global launch of the 7-1-7 Community of Practice

Operational Research

The Alliance is issuing two iterative calls for proposals to conduct operational research

Early research

In 2020, Resolve to Save Lives (RTSL) began research activities which would lead to the conceptualization and piloting of the 7-1-7 target. Global health security experts at RTSL conducted an extensive review of existing outbreak timeliness data to better understand if shared goals for timeliness might galvanize countries toward performance improvement and outbreak prevention.

Beginning in 2021, the 7-1-7 target was piloted in six countries providing critical evidence for its application and contributions to local, national, regional, and global response to epidemic threats. A review of 41 public health events from five pilot countries found that 54% percent of events met a target of 7 days to detect, 71% of events met a target of 1 day to notify, and 49% of events met a target of 7 days to complete all early response actions. Eleven (27%) events met the complete 7-1-7 target, with variation among event types. This review suggested that a 7-1-7 target is ambitious yet achievable for most outbreak events.

Explore the scientific literature

Global learning network 

When the 7-1-7 Alliance was formed in 2023, it rapidly developed an ambitious research and learning agenda to expand the evidence base supporting the 7-1-7 target.

The Alliance began offering learning opportunities such as quarterly webinars to a global learning network of stakeholders interested in using and supporting timely outbreak response with 7-1-7.

A Community of Practice was launched for Alliance country partners to accelerate learning and implementation success through real-time knowledge exchange, peer-peer networking, and adaptive learning.

In early 2024, the Alliance opened a first call for proposals to fund operational research projects in partnership with Wellcome Trust. The objectives of the call were to better understand factors that facilitate 7-1-7 implementation and its impact on systems performance and explore new use cases for 7-1-7 in animal health. A second call for proposals is expected later in 2024.

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