Leveraging 7-1-7 for AARs

Step-by-step instructions to lead an After-Action Review incorporating the 7-1-7 target.
Webinar: Early Action Reviews

Webinar held on November 16, 2023 to introduce WHO’s new guidance on Early Action Reviews, which leverages the 7-1-7 target.
Operational planning and priority-setting using 7-1-7 to strengthen Uganda’s health security

A case study on how the 7-1-7 target bolstered Uganda’s National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS).
Introducing the 7-1-7 Alliance

Let’s work together now to stop outbreaks before they spread.
7-1-7: a new global target to make the world safer from pandemics

Introductory video to the 7-1-7 target and concepts.
Webinar: How the 7-1-7 approach improves epidemic preparedness and response

Webinar held on December 9, 2022 discussing real-world uses and implications of 7-1-7.