Synthesis Report Template

Word template used to provide a high-level summary of 7-1-7 learning, review progress, and consolidate long-term actions.
7-1-7 Event Review Slide Template

PowerPoint template that can be used to present 7-1-7 data from a single outbreak to stakeholders.
Data Consolidation Spreadsheet

Excel template to capture 7-1-7 milestones and results and track bottlenecks and immediate and long-term actions.
7-1-7 Assessment Tool (pdf)

PDF version of the tool that can be used by public health authorities or teams responsible for initial investigation or rapid response to collect 7-1-7 data.
7-1-7 Assessment Tool (docx)

Word document that can be used by public health authorities or teams responsible for initial investigation or rapid response to collect 7-1-7 data.
Existing systems mapping tool

Word template to map existing systems and structures that can be utilized during 7-1-7 implementation to help develop an implementation plan.
Guidance for Conducting a Retrospective Review

One way to get started with
Stakeholder Mapping Tool

Excel spreadsheet designed to map stakeholders to each of the five different roles in 7-1-7 implementation: coordination, data collection, performance improvement, national planning, and communication and advocacy.
High-level introduction to

PowerPoint presentation to orient stakeholders to 7-1-7.
Overview of the 7-1-7 Alliance

Introductory brief on the7-1-7 Alliance, the 7-1-7 target, and the Alliance missions.