Evaluation of response to a cholera outbreak in January 2024 using 7-1-7: a case study of Elegu Point of Entry, Uganda

BMC Public Health article published in December 2024 authored by the Uganda National Institute of Public Health.
Webinar: Improving performance with 7-1-7 bottleneck analysis

Webinar held on October 24, 2024 focusing on conducting effective bottleneck analysis with 7-1-7 to improve outbreak detection, notification and early response.
Widespread adoption of 7-1-7 in Uganda leads to rapid improvement

Deploying 7-1-7 during successive measles and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in Uganda helped districts improve their detection, notification and early response systems.
7-1-7 tools give Kenya a leg up on Rift Valley Fever response

With 7-1-7, Kenya was able to identify barriers to an effective response to a mosquito-borne Rift Valley Fever outbreak and quickly get resources to the affected region.
Using 7-1-7 as part of global health security funding mechanisms

Technical brief aimed at applicants/awardees of funding opportunities incorporating the 7-1-7 target and providing actionable guidance on including 7-1-7 into proposals and cost estimates.
Case studies from the United States: Pima County

Dr. Theresa Cullen, Public Health Director of Pima County, Arizona, discusses her county’s decision to pilot the 7-1-7 target, the concept of learning public health system and next steps (May 9, 2024).
Case studies from the United States: Mecklenburg County

Dr. Raynard Washington, Public Health Director of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, discusses his county’s decision to pilot the 7-1-7 target, early results and next steps (May 9, 2024).
South Sudan saves lives through application of 7-1-7 during ongoing yellow fever outbreak

How the successful use of the 7-1-7 target by South Sudan helped improve its response in real time to a yellow fever outbreak.
7-1-7: rapid improvement for early disease detection and response

Introductory brief on the 7-1-7 target, its uses, and how it complements existing tools and assessments.
7-1-7 for Accountability, Monitoring and Evaluation

The simplicity of 7-1-7’s timeliness metrics helps monitor performance, evaluate interventions and document progress with full transparency.