Get Started

Advocate for 7-1-7

A key to the successful use of the 7-1-7 target to improve early detection and response is for stakeholders to understand its value-add. We have compiled a series of advocacy briefs, journal articles, introductory videos and webinars, and success stories to provide a brief but comprehensive overview of 7-1-7 to help you advocate for the target and mobilize support among key stakeholders.

Adopt 7-1-7

Adoption is a critical phase of the 7-1-7 and Early Action Review (EAR) process. To ensure implementation success, countries or jurisdictions need to first build a coalition of supportive and engaged stakeholders, understand roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, identify a senior-level champion and core technical team to coordinate, and integrate 7-1-7 and EARs into existing routine workflows.

Adopt 7-1-7

Adoption is a critical phase of the 7-1-7 and Early Action Review (EAR) process. To ensure implementation success, countries or jurisdictions need to first build a coalition of supportive and engaged stakeholders, understand roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, identify a senior-level champion and core technical team to coordinate, and integrate 7-1-7 and EARs into existing routine workflows.

Adopt 7-1-7

Adoption is a critical phase of the 7-1-7 and Early Action Review (EAR) process. To ensure implementation success, countries or jurisdictions need to first build a coalition of supportive and engaged stakeholders, understand roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, identify a senior-level champion and core technical team to coordinate, and integrate 7-1-7 and EARs into existing routine workflows.

Train staff

Integrate into workflows

Pilot use

Situate within the public health system 

Map stakeholders and existing systems

Engage stakeholders

Join the Alliance 

Is your country ready to adopt the 7-1-7 target? Can your institution support countries to implement, sustain and scale 7-1-7? Become a partner of the 7-1-7 Alliance. 

The 7-1-7 Alliance partners with Ministries of Health, National Public Health Institutes, multilateral organizations, international non-governmental organizations and more to help all countries achieve the 7-1-7 target. As partners of the 7-1-7 Alliance, countries can access:

If your institution is interested in becoming a 7-1-7 Alliance partner, reach out to the 7-1-7 Alliance Secretariat at [email protected].

Join the Alliance 

Is your country ready to adopt the 7-1-7 target? Can your institution support countries to implement, sustain and scale 7-1-7? Become a partner of the 7-1-7 Alliance. 

If your institution is interested in becoming a 7-1-7 Alliance partner, reach out to the 7-1-7 Alliance Secretariat at [email protected].

Community of Practice

The 7-1-7 Alliance hosts a global Community of Practice to accelerate learning and implementation success of the 7-1-7 target and Early Action Reviews (EARs) through real-time knowledge exchange, peer-to-peer networking, and adaptive learning.
Who can participate in the Community of Practice?

The Community of Practice is designed for technical teams implementing 7-1-7 and EARs. 7-1-7 Alliance country partners are automatically invited to join when they become partners.

Other interested countries and partners may request to join by completing a request form.

What can new members expect?

Members of the Community of Practice:

  • explore adoption and use of the  7-1-7 target in country context
  • identify challenges and drivers for performance improvement
  • evaluate 7-1-7 implementation
  • conduct research to strengthen evidence-based implementation
What do Community of Practice activities include?

Community of Practice activities include:

  • Regular community engagement sessions with focused discussions and country spotlights​
  • Early access to tailored implementation resources
  • Topic-specific sub-working groups based on geographic region or shared technical challenges​
  • A members-only LinkedIn Group with resources, training and networking opportunities, journal articles, policy briefs, and more​

Funding Opportunities

Catalytic country grants

The 7-1-7 Alliance is currently accepting applications for short to medium-term grant funding (6-12 months) to support the adoption of the 7-1-7 target and Early Action Reviews (EARs) and lay the groundwork for implementation (e.g., stakeholder mapping, training, integration of 7-1-7 workflows into emergency operation centers, event management systems, and other surveillance activities).

Eligible institutions include ministries of health, national public health institutes and other country partners working at the national, subnational, and local level in low- and middle-income countries. Governments may also nominate a non-governmental organization to manage and administrate the grant.

The Alliance will also consider applications from civil society organizations (CSO) that have a relationship with government and have a proven track record in supporting emergency operation centers or health security initiatives. CSO applicants will need to submit a letter of endorsement from government partners with their application acknowledging their partnership toward achieving the 7-1-7 target and appropriate expertise.

The 7-1-7 Alliance does not provide funding to countries subject to the U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control (“OFAC”) sanctions.

Catalytic country grants are reserved for 7-1-7 Alliance partners. Partners interested in the grants should contact their 7-1-7 Alliance Technical Advisor.

Operational research grants 

The 7-1-7 Alliance, with funding from Wellcome Trust, is supporting 11 operational research projects following two calls for proposals in 2024.

There are currently no open call for proposals. Get notified of upcoming opportunities by signing up for our email updates.

Questions about operational research?

External funding mechanisms

In a recent webinar, we address how to build 7-1-7 into Pandemic Fund proposals.

In addition to catalytic funding, the 7-1-7 Alliance is working with countries and technical partners to leverage larger external funding mechanisms, such as the Pandemic Fund, World Bank Multi-phase Awards, Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism, and more. Many of these funding mechanisms have integrated the 7-1-7 target into their impact and results frameworks and provide an important opportunity to leverage larger-scale funding to support sustained use of 7-1-7 use.

The 7-1-7 Alliance is able to support countries adopting and implementing 7-1-7 through these funding mechanisms, including ongoing technical assistance, engagement with other implementing partners through our Community of Practice and Global Learning Network, suite of adoption and implementation tools as well as our data and monitoring and evaluation framework.

Countries that have included 7-1-7 as part of their proposals for those funding opportunities or are interested in doing so are encouraged to read this brief with actionable guidance and cost estimates for 7-1-7 adoption, and to reach out to the 7-1-7 Alliance at [email protected].