Comment le Brésil a amélioré sa réponse aux épidémies avec 7-1-7 en deux ans

Début 2023, les responsables de la santé de Recife, au Brésil, ont commencé à utiliser la cible 7-1-7 pour suivre et contenir les épidémies de maladies infectieuses pendant le carnaval. Deux ans plus tard, les progrès sont là.
Brasil mejoró su respuesta a los brotes de enfermedades utilizando el objetivo 7-1-7 durante dos años

A principios de 2023, funcionarios de salud de Recife, Brasil, utilizaron el objetivo 7-1-7 como parte de su plan para identificar y contener brotes de enfermedades infecciosas durante el Carnaval. Ubicada en el noreste de Brasil, Recife es una de las primeras ciudades del mundo en poner a prueba el 7-1-7.
O Brasil melhorou as respostas a surtos de doenças ao usar a métrica 7-1-7 por dois anos

No início de 2023, as autoridades de saúde do Recife, Brasil, utilizaram a métrica 7-1-7 como parte de seu plano para rastrear e conter surtos de doenças infecciosas durante o Carnaval. Recife é uma das primeiras cidades do mundo a testar o 7-1-7.
How Brazil improved responses to disease outbreaks with 7-1-7 over two years

In early 2023, health officials in Recife, Brazil started using the 7-1-7 target to track and contain infectious disease outbreaks during Carnival. New data for the past two years shows significant progress in reaching the target.
Webinar: Improving performance with 7-1-7 bottleneck analysis

Webinar held on October 24, 2024 focusing on conducting effective bottleneck analysis with 7-1-7 to improve outbreak detection, notification and early response.
Case studies from the United States: Pima County

Dr. Theresa Cullen, Public Health Director of Pima County, Arizona, discusses her county’s decision to pilot the 7-1-7 target, the concept of learning public health system and next steps (May 9, 2024).
Case studies from the United States: Mecklenburg County

Dr. Raynard Washington, Public Health Director of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, discusses his county’s decision to pilot the 7-1-7 target, early results and next steps (May 9, 2024).
Webinar: Building 7-1-7 into your Pandemic Fund proposal

Webinar held on May 2, 2024 for countries applying to the Pandemic Fund, which includes the 7-1-7 target in its results framework.
Virtual training series: adopting 7-1-7

Part 3 of a three-part virtual training series on the 7-1-7 target held in January and February 2024.
Virtual training series: using 7-1-7

Part 2 of a three-part virtual training series on the 7-1-7 target held in January and February 2024.