7-1-7 Alliance

Márcio Henrique de Oliveira Garcia

Director of the Public Health Emergency Department, Ministry of Health, Brazil

Veterinary Doctor and Epidemiologist, currently serving as the Director of the Department of Public Health Emergencies at the Secretariat of Health Surveillance and Environment of the Ministry of Health. He holds a Master’s degree in Food Technology from the Federal University of Ceará and is an FETP Advanced graduate. Additionally, he is certified by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School in the Epidemiology Program for Public Health Managers. In 2021 and 2022, he was the Superintendent of Health Surveillance at the Municipal Secretary of Health of Rio de Janeiro, where he coordinated the Emergency Operations Center for the COVID-19 pandemic and established the Center for Epidemiological Intelligence (CIE-Rio). From 2016 to 2018, he held key positions within the Ministry of Health, including Director of the Department of Interfederative Articulation, Director of the Department of Surveillance of Communicable Diseases, and Coordinator of Surveillance and Response to Public Health Emergencies at SVSA. With 20 years of experience in public health, he has led responses to numerous public health emergencies and participated in several national and international mass events. His expertise spans epidemiology applied to health services, outbreak investigation, preparedness and response to public health emergencies, One Health, and health systems management.